

Well Registration


WELL REGISTRATION: All wells, including exempt wells, must be registered with or permitted by the District in order for the District to consider the effects of other permit applications on the well. Failure to register a well with the District or to obtain a permit for a well will result in the well not being considered when the decision to permit wells are made.




Application Checklist






new application


NEW WATER WELL PERMIT APPLICATION:  An application for a “Water Well Production Permit” for a new non-Exempt well.




Existing Well



EXISTING WELL PRODUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION: An application for a “Water Well Production Permit” for an existing non-Exempt well.



Well Renewal


PRODUCTION PERMIT WELL RENEWAL FORM: An application to renew a water well production permit.




Notice to Purchasers


NOTICE TO PURCHASERS:  of real property Within the Plum Creek Conservation District.

(Flood Control and Ground Water) – Caldwell & Hays Counties



Non Exempt Agricultural


NON-EXEMPT AGRICULTURAL USE: An owner of land seeking to use groundwater for agricultural or livestock use purposes on-site may apply for a registration of a well for use of no more than 100 acre feet per year at production rates no greater than those allowed for Tier I wells.



Test Hole


TEST HOLE APPLICATION: A person wishing to explore for groundwater by using test holes must file with the District an application for authority to drill a test hole prior to commencement of drilling a test hole for a well. A test hole can be used to determine some subsurface characteristics for use with other types of well applications.



Test Well


TEST WELL APPLICATION: A Test well is a well drilled and completed for the purpose of determining aquifer characteristics through water production during a short period of time. A Test Well can be subsequently permitted as a production well or a monitor well if an appropriate permit is granted following submission of an application. The permitting of a Tier II well requires a test well.



Application to Amend



APPLICATION TO AMEND:  An application to amend a water well production permit.



Address the Board



FORM TO ADDRESS THE BOARD: This form allows an individual to be able to address the Board during a scheduled meeting.





RECHARGE PERMIT APPLICATION: Applications shall be made to, and permits must be obtained from, the District before installing and/or operating a recharge well and/or facility within the District.







REPLACEMENT WELL APPLICATION:No person shall replace a registered or permitted well without first applying for a permit to do so.





TRANSPORTATION PERMIT APPLICATION:An application is required to transport water produced from wells in the District to areas outside the boundaries of the District for delivery to wholesale or retail customers outside of the District.






TRANSFER APPLICATION:A Well Production Permit or Registration is transferable upon application to the District in the event of a change of ownership.





DFC Comment Form FORM for Submitting Comments Concerning GMA 10 Desired Future Conditions





EASEMENT USE APPLICATION: An application requesting modification of easement use.

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